Thursday, July 23, 2009


SAYA masih di Worthing, UK. Di sini memang banyak basikal, namun di Amsterdam banyakkkkknyaaaa basikal.... saya jumpa foto ini.


Pak CD said...

Teringat masa sekolah dulu2 tu.. banyak macam tu la basikal..

abdulhalimshah said...

I saw the same scene last Spring when I was there and in the Hague.
It's the only country in the world where the order of priority of traffic is, first cyclists, then only pedestrians and lastly motorised vehicles.
Salam and have a nice holiday!

johar said...

Mereka tak pandu kereta ke.Kalau KL dan bandar2 lain di Msia macm tu tentu tak jem,tak yah buat tol byk2